TEA ORIGIN: VIETNAM FIRST IMPRESSIONS In May of 2022, after years of penciling Vietnam in our 'tea travel goals', we flew to Hanoi and started a road trip to Northwest Vietnam. After one week of riding mopeds in winding country roads, we barely got a taste of what this beautiful land has to offer. First impression of Vietnam: it feels like a time capsule. It is reminiscent of my trips to Yunnan 15 years ago, before ubiquitous electricity cars and concrete buildings. Just like in Yunnan, the land is stunning and people are hospitable and generous. If you have not yet explored Vietnam as a tea origin, please do! A few facts about Vietnam: It grows A LOT of tea. By volume, it is the 2nd largest tea producer green tea in the world and the 6th of black tea (FAO, 2022 International Tea Market: market situation, prospects and emerging issues) . Some of the tea made in Vietnam is world-class. For years, the lion's share of Vietnamese tea produced was inexpensive and not t
Musings about tea from a long time student: tastings, travel, friends and some science.